Citizens For Alternatives to Radioactive Dumping

Transmissibility varies continuously as a point-function in the Culebra, so every point in a model can be defined.
The REV* concept does not apply to discontinuous media whose extreme conduits have never been measured nor defined in space.
The pilot-point method used in PA to create a T-field is mathematically, practically, invalid, and it leads to unconservative transport results.
Rustler salt beds present elsewhere were never deposited beneath the LWA west of the repository, thus clays and channel fills are syndepositional with the Rustler.
Dissolution removed the salt beds, leaving residual clays and breccia, and initiated subsidence fractures subsequently opened by dissolution.
Residual clays onsite imply ongoing karst formation at sites upgradient, i. e., to the east. Open dissolution channels in the Rustler, undetected by the few bore holes, are likely W of the repository below the water table, and more commonly, above the water table. Explorations may establish the degree of karst development, but without sufficient detail for modeling.
Transport of radionuclides may be calculated according to a continuous Culebra matrix with horizontal fractures, so diffusion and absorption are significant processes.
A superimposed karst system of large channels carrying brines bypasses the matrix and fractures, so specific surface is small.
Because the majority of the discharge flows rapidly and episodically via karst tubes, far less retardation occurs.
Wetter climatic conditions will raise the water table essentially to the surface, increasing velocities modestly via the Culebra only.
Greater recharge during pluvial periods will be accommodated by modest increases in water table elevation, saturating more karst conduits.
An increasing proportion of the recharge will flow via karst channels, decreasing average travel times appreciably.

Government scientists can be trusted to be objective.
The work products of a large scientific staff can be compromised by self-interest and management's need to please the client.
Projects that should be scrapped early may be completed contrary to public welfare. Dissenters are ousted, careers unjustly injured.

*The Representative Elementary Volume, REV, is that volume of an inhomogeneous medium that has greatest spatial correlation. It is used to justify continuum properties. Because the REV in fractured or karstic rocks contains a finite number of discreet conduits that change abruptly with position of the volume, a continuously varying property (such as permeability) cannot exist.